
the final session of the design like a girl 2017-2018 session:

girls first designed a vision board for imaginary clients, then made scale models.

here is mercyGirl’s artshed model.

all the girls presented their designs. no two were alike and all of them had thoughtful elements that made me utter quiet exclamations of surprise.

i’m hopeful for the future of women in architecture & design.

pequena capoeirista

signGirl participated in her first batizado (capoeira initiation ceremony) with Capoeira MalĂȘs DC, along with a performance and troca de corda (changing of cords).

the kids planned an amazing show with a bit of history of capoeira, and showcasing how it has both artistic and scientific elements.

the awarding of cords was also a lot of fun because of all the playing, music and singing. even spectators have a responsibility to add to the energy of the circle by clapping and singing.

you’ll see what I mean: