pumpkin harvest days at butler’s orchard 2015

since the first hint of color in the leaves
prayerGirl has been asking to go to the pumpkin patch.
this year butler’s orchard did not disappoint.
even as the weather threatened rain on the way there,
when we arrived there was nary a cloud in the sky.
the animals were all out,
the apples were crisp,
the pumpkins were perfect,
and the big girls managed to find the exit to the corn maze
before i had to come looking for them.
we ended our visit with a pumpkin roll from the farm market.
pumpkin roll…mmm-mmm.


now i’ve just got to make sure we actually do something with pumpkins we picked.

pumpkin harvest days 2012

we’re still not bored with Butler’s Orchard‘s Pumpkin Harvest Days.
it was a summery fall afternoon
and we couldn’t resist making the trip.
signGirl getting stung by a bee before we even paid
didn’t put a damper on our visit one bit.
we picked our pumpkins
then enjoyed all the fun the farm had to offer.
we finished off our visit with a sinfully sweet pumpkin roll from the Farm Market.

my girls, competitive? really? maybe just a little.

look, ma! i’m the queen of the bale!

one pumpkin, two pumpkin, three pumpkin, four…

we met up with veteran ihsan homeschooler raida and her crew
to enjoy a crisp fall morning at butler’s orchard‘s pumpkin harvest days.
a hay ride took us to and from the pumpkin patch
where we picked a pumpkin each.

after taking those back to the car,
we pumped the pumps to float the rubber duckies to the other pump,

romped in the hay maze,

fed the goats,
— the sheep, chickens and bunnies thought the morning was still too chilly to play
and stayed bunched together cozy in their respective sheds, coops and hutches —

played a few carnival-like target games,
skipped the hay barn
— it was haywire over there and who wants hay in their hair anyway? —
to ride down the slides a few times.

we ended our day by finding our way through the corn maze,

rewarding ourselves at the finish
by sinking our teeth into autumn-chilled rain-washed golden-delicious apples.
just another day at the farm.

what’s your favorite thing to do at your local pick-your-own farm?